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Transit Center Study


The existing transit center is located in downtown Anchorage on 6th Avenue between H Street and G Street. The current site is slated for a redevelopment project and the transit center will be temporarily relocated during construction. The Public Transportation Department (PTD), which manages People Mover, is taking this opportunity to consider whether the current site is in fact the best location for the transit center or if there is a better location? This study will answer that question through an in-depth evaluation coupled with dynamic public engagement, considering the benefits and trade-offs of moving the transit center to a different site either downtown or in midtown.


Stephen Stone
MOA Public Transportation Department, Project Manager


The Transit Center Study is being completed using a two-phase process. The objective of the first phase is to come up with a short list of potential sites; the second phase will evaluate those sites to establish the costs, benefits, and trade-offs of each.

To determine the right location for the transit center, the first step is to figure out what People Mover currently has, what it needs, and what will allow the system to grow into the future. The study team will be seeking guidance from a Project Advisory Committee to determine these requirements and desires. Once that analysis has been completed, a list of potential sites will be identified.

The potential sites will be presented to the public and stakeholders. The project team will ask questions such as these: How do the sites impact you? What do you see as the pros and cons of each site? Based on the feedback, the Public Transit Advisory Board will narrow the list of potential sites down to a short list.

In the second phase, conceptual site plans will be developed for each of the locations on the short list. Construction and operational costs will be estimated, and financing plans will be considered. In addition, the operational impact to the People Mover system will be evaluated.

The plans will then be presented to the public and stakeholders for their input. The project team will ask: Hearing the benefits and trade-offs of the sites from the study team, what feedback do you have?

The study team will consider public and stakeholder input to refine and adjust the site plans and analyses before finalizing the study.

Phase I of the site selection process is now complete. The three sites that are advancing for further study are the:

  • existing Transit Center site
  • ConocoPhillips Parking Lot (southeast corner of W. 6th Ave and I St)
  • Chinook Parking Lot (225 E. St)

The decision to advance these three sites was made by the Administration based on information from several sources:

  • Input received from the public via a survey during the online Open House.
  • Input received from key stakeholders at a workshop held on September 20, 2023.
  • Recommendation of the Project Advisory Committee and the Public Transportation Advisory Board.

See the Public Involvement page for survey results and meeting summaries.

Next Steps:

Conceptual site plans will be developed for each site. Construction costs will be estimated and the operational impact to the People Mover system will be evaluated. The plans will be presented to the public and stakeholders for their input in the spring.